Category: Microsoft Dynamics GP
Top 5 Window Changes to Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 R2
Its that time again where Microsoft releases a new update for our beloved product. Here is the countdown of my favorite top 5. 5. Retain the Ship-To-Address with Customer Modifier. In prior versions of Microsoft Dynamics GP, the Ship-To-Address name field was removed whenever a customer was modified with the modifier utility or the customer…
Error: “You Can’t complete this process while transactions are being edited”
 “You can’t complete this process while transactions are being edited,” is a common error that I see at least 3-4 times a month from various clients. This error can happen on almost any screen or even when you try to exit GP right after you opened the program. Often times if you wait a…
What’s New GP2018: Workflow Features
Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 was released in December 2017 and new features are abound. One of the most impressive features for me is the changes to the workflow process, which defines how information flows through the system. Workflow 1.0, released with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013, worked the same as it did in Business Portal without…