Author: Samantha Vislay
Security Mishap Friday: Hackable Passwords Part I
Password security is something everyone always hears about. Make sure that you have a strong password. Weak passwords are hackable. What I find that is not mentioned enough is what constitutes as a strong password is constantly increasing as hackers get better. 15 years ago they recommended adding uppercases to lowercases. 10 year ago they…
Proactive Not Reactive: Top 10 ideas to Protect Yourself From CryptoLocker
1. User Training This is probably the biggest item. The worst aspect of CryptoLocker is that they are not actively hacking your network. They are sending spam e-mail or having your user’s go to websites that are not for work purposes and download the installer without them seeing it. Train your users to be wary…
CryptoLocker and Microsoft Dynamics GP
CryptoLocker is the boogeyman of the IT world. It is a silent predator until you get an error that says your file is not legible. It affects a multitude of programs. It also affects Microsoft Dynamics GP. Typically, when a computer is a victim of CryptoLocker and has Microsoft Dynamics GP installed it will get…
Security Mishap Friday: The Fake Wi-Fi Scam
Let’s face it, people like free items. Free is amazing. You get something for nothing. In the case of most businesses, they get more patrons coming into their venue and staying longer when they offer this server. People stick around longer and potentially spend more money. Seems like a win, win. In all reality, free…
SQL Saturday
Learning SQL and becoming involved in the technical community can be difficult if you do not know where to look. A fantastic event that encourages people of all ability levels is through PASS. PASS is an independent, not-for-profit organization run by and for the community. One event that they offer for each of their communities…
Top Reasons To Love Microsoft Power BI
Direct connection into SQL databases to connect into Microsoft Dynamics GP and also Microsoft Dynamics 365. This product is designed to work with a variety of data sources. Including Excel, CSV, XML, Access databases, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, etc. If you have data stored, there is a high chance that Microsoft Power BI will connect…
Business Intelligence: When Standard Reporting Is Not Enough
It should be no surprise to anyone that we are living in a digital world and data is being kept on the most mundane items. Especially in every aspect of a business. Once a business creates data, it needs to be able put it together in a meaningful, productive way. Reports once filled this void. …
Understanding SELECT Statements
The first time anyone looks at SQL can be overwhelming. Mostly because it is like learning a foreign language. You need to learn the vocabulary and the syntax to get what you want. The first step to learning should be how to navigate information. In my examples, I will be using examples from Microsoft Dynamics…
Integration Manager Error: “RPC Server is unavailable”
This error has been the most troublesome for me in the past. Typically of you try searching the error you will get pointed to KB article 943948. What I have found is that this is caused when you run an integration and Microsoft Dynamic GP seems to disappear and Integration Manager freezes or gets closed…
Top 5 SQL Tips for Microsoft Dynamic GP
Think necessity – Only look for the information you really need. The fewer rows that you pull in the quicker your query will be. Keep it simple stupid (KISS) – When you attempt to get fancy with the queries, it can have consequences. Meaning that the queries can take longer and pull unnecessary data. Overcomplicating…